
e-Connect : e-Education

Our e-Learning is specially designed to create an educationally conducive environment for effective teaching and student centered learning, and can be accessible anytime and anywhere via the Internet. With the use of rich, colourful graphics and animated visuals, it will stimulate student thinking processes and make difficult to understand concepts less intimidating. Your children will love the neatly designed and aesthetically pleasing interface, with clear contextual explanation and simple language that will ensure that the linguistic component of the lesson will be effectively learned.

For the development of e-Learning content for schools, we are adopting and adapting Merrill's Component Display Theory (CDT) and Merill's 5-Star Activation Theory in the product structure design. The CDT is perhaps still the only theory that approaches Intructional Theory at the micro level. It classifiess contents into facts, concepts, procedures and principles. The level of learning of the contents that is required - memorization, application or comprehension will require different teaching and learning approaches. The 5-star approach is the latest ID theory by Merill that is based on the basic principle; that meaningful learning is a result of problem solving activities. The 5-Star approach promotes the constrctivist and contextual theories of learning as suggested by the Ministry of Education(MOE).

Using the recent developments on how the brain, both short-term and long-term memory works, we are using salient findings in the development to build brain-friendly learning into our products

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